ULTRATECH, spol. s r.o.
Slovanská 5/1404
915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 32 7718410, 7718409
Fax: +421 32 7718410
E-mail: ultratech@slovanet.sk
manufacturing company Ultratech, spol. s r.o. (limited liability company) was
established in 1993.
main production program consists of the development
and production of special
technological equipment
under customers order. For the past two years,
the range of facilities
offered particularly
widespread in the development and production of ultrasonic technological devices because we gradually took over the professional staff
and the entire production
program of Ultrazvuk, s.r.o., which has been on the market since 1993. Our product range now includes mainly cleaning and degreasing baths, sets and lines manually and fully automatically operated, ultrasonic welding machines for plastics and equipment for various other applications of power ultrasound.
Another program is the production
of special one-purpose
machinery and household box for
gas pressure control and consumption measuring.
We mainly use our own manufacturing facilities to
produce our production program.
Most of our
product is designated for customers from EC-countries (e.g.
That’s why
we insist on maximum quality all of our products.